Historische Tauchergesellschaft e.V. EN

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THE association for diving history and 

historical diving

What drives us?

Diving has been going on since ancient times. Over the centuries, devices and equipment have been invented that made diving easier and expanded the boundaries of what is possible. The history of these devices, the people who invented them and the adventures associated with them are interesting and exciting.

We have made it our mission to preserve them.

In 2011, we therefore founded the Historische Tauchergesellschaft e.V. with collectors of diving technology and documents, former professionals and creative hobbyists. The "Historische Tauchergesellschaft" is not a regionally limited association, we operate internationally and currently have 84 members from eight countries.

The subject of the exchange of experiences and joint projects are all possible aspects of diving history from the earliest beginnings to the present. Although the focus is on device technology, we are also interested in a wide variety of underwater activities, from sporting to professional and military diving.



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